Do you find yourself at a crossroads? Uncertain about the next steps of your journey? Feeling unwell mentally, spiritually or relationally?
Be Well Resources offers practical tools to foster whole-hearted living, cultivate healing, and promote overall well-being.
Join a wellness retreat, sign up for a workshop or contact us for personal coaching to begin your wellness journey today! We look forward to helping you on your journey to a healthier, happier life.
Book FREE ConsultIs Your Soul Anchored?
Discover how we can help you achieve a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle. Start your journey toward holistic wellness with a free consultation. Take advantage of our online workshops, group coaching, and retreats. Our monthly podcast, Coping, provides advice, inspiration and encouragement for those in need. Personal coaching is also available to help you define individual goals, foster self-care, and establish personal and professional boundaries.

Healing for Your Soul
Joining a workshop, journey or retreat are great places to begin cultivating your soul.

Wellness Workshops
1-hour workshops designed to provide practical, relevant tools for building emotional, mental and spiritual wellness. These workshops focus on a specific topic to help bring clarity and renewal, including grief/loss, relational wellness and "Envision Your Year" where attendees learn how to empower themselves using important key phrases that guide them holistically over twelve months.
Offered up to twice yearly.
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Journey Deeper
Journeys are 6-week-long group coaching sessions providing practical tools for healing. These small, intimate groups facilitate deeper connection and encouragement on the journey.
Topics for these group coaching sessions have included Grief/Loss, Fear/Anxiety and Boundaries/Rest. Offered three times a year.
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Wellness Retreats
Half-day or full-day in-person or virtual wellness retreats offering teaching, small groups and practical resources regarding rest, fear, and whole-person wellness.
Seasonal retreats are offered three times a year and provide soul care, community, and rest.
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